دانشگاه : University of Connecticut
استاد راهنما: Jeong-Ho Kim
پژوهشگر: Linhui Zhang
سال 2012
فرمت فایل: PDF و شامل 165 صفحه
Blast-resistant composites and structures are gaining more and more academic and industrial interests currently. The metal sandwich structure is proven to perform better than the monolithic plate with the same mass under blast loading. Besides, the foam or foam-like cores with stacking of graded layers can further mitigate the blast effects. In this work, the dynamic responses of corrugated sandwich plates with various homogeneous and graded core arrangements under shock tube loading are investigated by finite element method. By comparing the maximum back face deflection, maximum back face velocity, plastic energy absorption, stress history and contact force, the corrugated sandwich plate with the gradually graded core has a better overall performance.
The parametric study on unit-cell corrugated and trapezoid sandwich structures with given mass and various core arrangements subjected to idealized air-blast loading is also carried out. The sandwich structures with graded cores can prevent the structure to get fully crushed. It is also shown that the trapezoid sandwich structures have larger impact tolerance, but the trapezoid sandwich structures are more sensitive to the initial geometric imperfections than corrugated sandwich structures.
Due to the benefits of the graded cores, a modified rule of mixture and linear strain-rate dependence are used to derive the rate-dependent elastic-plastic constitutive relation for functionally graded (FG) material. The derived constitutive relations are implemented in ABAQUS/Explicit through a VUMAT subroutine to simulate the dynamic response of a FG plate subjected to shock tube loading.
مشاهده آنلاین و دریافت فایل نمونه:
** توجه: خواهشمندیم در صورت هرگونه مشکل در روند خرید و دریافت فایل از طریق بخش پشتیبانی در سایت مشکل خود را گزارش دهید. **
رساله دکتری با عنوان: Dynamic Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of Blast-resistant Sandwich Structures