886 صفحه pdf
Corrosion Tests and Standards:Application and Interpretation
ویرایش دوم
Robert Baboian
Corrosion Tests and Standards:Application and Interpretation
886 صفحه pdf
Corrosion Tests and Standards:Application and Interpretation
ویرایش دوم
Robert Baboian
13 صفحه pdf
BS ISO 8407:2009
Corrosion of metals and alloys-Removal of corrosion products from corrosion test specimens
343 صفحه فایل pdf
تشخیص، تحلیل و ممانعت از خوردگی در خط لوله زیرزمینی
Underground Pipeline Corrosion, Detection, Analysis and Prevention, Mark Orazem, Elsevier, 2014
محتوای کتاب:
Part I Understanding and managing corrosion processes 1
1 Understanding corrosion in underground pipelines:
basic principles 3
R. Norsworthy, Polyguard Products Inc., USA
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Electrochemical corrosion: conventional current theory 6
1.3 Electrochemical corrosion: advanced theories 8
1.4 Other factors in corrosion 13
1.5 Reference cells 15
1.6 Corrosion processes affecting pipelines 17
1.7 Environmental cracking 24
1.8 Microbiologically infl uenced corrosion 26
1.9 Corrosion protection methods: coatings 27
1.10 Corrosion protection methods: cathodic protection (CP) 30
1.11 Conclusion 32
1.12 Sources of further information and advice 32
1.13 References 33
2 AC-induced corrosion of underground pipelines 35
B. Tribollet, LISE/CNRS, France and M. Meyer,
GDF-Suez, France
2.1 Introduction 35
2.2 The origin of alternating voltage induced in pipelines 39
2.3 Electrical parameters affecting the AC-corrosion process 43
2.4 Harmonic analysis of AC corrosion 46
2.5 Cathodic protection of pipelines 51
2.6 Analysis of AC-corrosion products 55
2.7 Testing AC-corrosion processes 56
2.8 Conclusion 58
2.9 References 59
3 Assessing the signifi cance of corrosion in onshore oil
and gas pipelines 62
P. Hopkins, Penspen Limited, UK
3.1 Introduction 62
3.2 Corrosion in onshore pipelines 64
3.3 Detecting corrosion 66
3.4 Preventing corrosion 67
3.5 Assessment of corrosion 69
3.6 Particular corrosion assessment methods 73
3.7 Particular issues in corrosion assessment 76
3.8 Conclusion 81
3.9 References 81
4 Numerical simulations for cathodic protection
of pipelines 85
C. Liu, A. Shankar and M. E. Orazem, University of Florida,
USA and D. P. Riemer, Hutchinson Technology, Inc., USA
4.1 Introduction 85
4.2 Historical perspective 86
4.3 Model development 87
4.4 Model validation 96
4.5 Applications 101
4.6 Conclusion 124
4.7 References 124
5 Corrosion processes and the use of corrosion
inhibitors in managing corrosion in underground
pipelines 127
V. S. Sastri, Sai Ram Consultant, Canada
5.1 Introduction 127
5.2 Sources of corrosion in oil and gas production 128
5.3 Techniques used in monitoring corrosion inhibitors in
oil and gas pipelines 136
5.4 Measuring pitting corrosion rates 141
5.5 The use of coupons to measure corrosion rates 156
5.6 Comparing different monitoring techniques 156
5.7 Conclusion 160
5.8 References 163
6 Types of corrosion inhibitor for managing corrosion in
underground pipelines 166
V. S. Sastri, Sai Ram Consultant, Canada
6.1 Introduction 166
6.2 Types of inhibitors 166
6.3 The effectiveness of corrosion inhibitors in particular
corrosion environments 169
6.4 Criteria used in the selection of inhibitors in sour media 177
6.5 Mechanisms of corrosion inhibition 187
6.6 Types of inhibitors 201
6.7 Summary of corrosion inhibitors used in oil pipeline media 204
6.8 References 209
Part II Methods for detecting corrosion 213
7 Electromagnetic methods for detecting corrosion in
underground pipelines: magnetic fl ux leakage (MFL) 215
T. Bubenik, Det Norske Veritas (U.S.A.) Inc., USA
7.1 Introduction 215
7.2 Background and defi nitions 216
7.3 Typical inspection system capabilities 216
7.4 Magnetic fl ux leakage (MFL) pigs 218
7.5 Summary of MFL strengths and weaknesses 221
7.6 Conclusion and future trends 224
7.7 Sources of further information and advice 225
7.8 References 226
8 The close interval potential survey (CIS/CIPS) method
for detecting corrosion in underground pipelines 227
A. Kowalski, Det NorskeVeritas (U.S.A.) Inc., USA
8.1 Introduction 227
8.2 Equipment 229
8.3 Data collection 232
8.4 Conducting a CIS 235
8.5 CIS data validation 240
8.6 Assessing results 241
8.7 Summary of CIS benefi ts and disadvantages 245
8.8 Future trends 246
8.9 References 246
9 The Pearson survey method for detecting corrosion in
underground pipelines 247
D. Eyre, Penspen Limited, UK
9.1 Introduction 247
9.2 Key principles of the Pearson survey technique 247
9.3 Advantages and disadvantages over other survey techniques 251
9.4 Basic equipment used for the Pearson survey 252
9.5 Modern developments of the technique 254
9.6 Conclusion 254
9.7 References 254
10 In-line inspection (ILI) methods for detecting corrosion
in underground pipelines 255
S. Brockhaus, M. Ginten, S. Klein, M. Teckert, O. Stawicki,
D. Oevermann and S. Meyer, ROSEN Technology and
Research Center GmbH, Germany, and D. Storey, ROSEN
Technology AG, Switzerland
10.1 Introduction 255
10.2 Pipeline fl aws 258
10.3 Inspection technologies and principles 264
10.4 Preparing for in-line inspection 275
10.5 Carrying out an ILI survey 279
10.6 Analysis and interpretation of ILI data 281
10.7 Future trends 283
10.8 References 285
11 The use of probes for detecting corrosion in
underground pipelines 286
C. Sean Brossia, Det Norske Veritas (U.S.A.) Inc., USA
11.1 Introduction 286
11.2 Electrochemical methods 287
11.3 Potential measurements 288
11.4 Linear polarization resistance 289
11.5 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 293
11.6 Galvanic sensors 295
11.7 Non-electrochemical methods: coupons 297
11.8 Optical-based methods 298
11.9 Electrical resistance probes 298
11.10 Challenges and limitations in using probes 301
11.11 Conclusion 301