شامل فصل های زیر است:
Chapter 1: Nouns: plurals, countable versus uncountable, etc.
Chapter 2: Genitive: the possessive form of nouns
Chapter 3: Inde fi nite article ( a / an ), de fi nite article ( the
and zero article (Ø)
Chapter 4: Quanti fi ers: some , any, little, few, a lot of, lots,
much, many
Chapter 5: Relative pronouns: that, which, who, whose, what
Chapter 6: Present tenses
Chapter 7: Past tenses
Chapter 8: Future tenses
Chapter 9: Conditional forms: zero, fi rst, second, third, mixed
Chapter 10: Passive versus active: impersonal versus
personal forms
Chapter 11: In fi nitive, - ing form (gerund), suggest, recommend
Chapter 12: Modal verbs
Chapter 13: Phrasal verbs
Chapter 14: Word order
Chapter 15: Comparative and superlative forms
Chapter 16: Numbers
Chapter 17: Acronyms and abbreviations
Chapter 18: Titles
Chapter 19: Abstracts
Chapter 20: Introduction and review of the literature
Chapter 21: Materials and methods
Chapter 22: Results
Chapter 23: Discussion
Chapter 24: Conclusions
Chapter 25: Abstract contrasted with conclusions
Chapter 26: Acknowledgements
Chapter 27: Mini tests
English for Academic Research