دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

این کتاب شامل 170 صفحه مطلب مفید (بدون ضمیمه) در قالب 27 درس است که بابررسی خطاهای گرامری محققان غیر بومی در مقاله های انگلیسی آنها تمرینات مفیدی برای رفع آن طرح می کند و نمونه های خوبی را در خود دارد.
شامل فصل های زیر است:
Chapter 1: Nouns: plurals, countable versus uncountable, etc.
Chapter 2: Genitive: the possessive form of nouns
Chapter 3: Inde fi nite article ( a / an ), de fi nite article ( the
and zero article (Ø)
Chapter 4: Quanti fi ers: some , any, little, few, a lot of, lots,
much, many
Chapter 5: Relative pronouns: that, which, who, whose, what
Chapter 6: Present tenses
Chapter 7: Past tenses
Chapter 8: Future tenses
Chapter 9: Conditional forms: zero, fi rst, second, third, mixed
Chapter 10: Passive versus active: impersonal versus
personal forms
Chapter 11: In fi nitive, - ing form (gerund), suggest, recommend
Chapter 12: Modal verbs
Chapter 13: Phrasal verbs
Chapter 14: Word order
Chapter 15: Comparative and superlative forms
Chapter 16: Numbers
Chapter 17: Acronyms and abbreviations
Chapter 18: Titles
Chapter 19: Abstracts
Chapter 20: Introduction and review of the literature
Chapter 21: Materials and methods
Chapter 22: Results
Chapter 23: Discussion
Chapter 24: Conclusions
Chapter 25: Abstract contrasted with conclusions
Chapter 26: Acknowledgements
Chapter 27: Mini tests