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مدیریت زنجیره تامین SCM چیست ؟ مدیریت زنجیره تامین تلفیقی است از هنر و علم که در جهت بهبود
دسترسی به مواد اولیه , ساخت محصولات و یا خدمات و انتقال آن به مشتری بکار میرود .
در زیر پنج بخش اصلی مدیریت زنجیره تامین می آید :
سرفصل مطالب :
نویسنده : Martin Christopher
تعداد صفحات :288
About the author
1 Logistics, the supply chain and competitive strategy 1
Supply chain management is a wider concept than logistics 2
Competitive advantage 4
The supply chain becomes the value chain 9
The mission of logistics management 11
The supply chain and competitive performance 13
The changing competitive environment 15
2 Logistics and customer value 27
The marketing and logistics interface 28
Delivering customer value 29
What is customer service? 31
The impact of out-of-stock 33
Customer service and customer retention 34
Market-driven supply chains 38
Defining customer service objectives 42
Setting customer service priorities 46
Setting service standards 50
3 Measuring logistics costs and performance 57
Logistics and the bottom line 58
Logistics and shareholder value 62
Logistics cost analysis 66
The concept of total cost analysis 67
Principles of logistics costing 70
Customer profitability analysis 72
Direct product profitability 78
Cost drivers and activity-based costing 80
4 Matching supply and demand 83
The lead-time gap 83
Improving the visibility of demand 85
The supply chain fulcrum 87
Forecast for capacity, execute against demand 89
Demand management and planning 89
Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment 94
5 creating the responsive supply chain 99
Product push versus demand pull 104
The Japanese philosophy 109
The foundations of agility 112
A routemap to responsiveness 116
6 strategic lead-time management 121
Time-based competition 121
Lead-time concepts 125
Logistics pipeline management 129
7 the synchronous supply chain 141
The extended enterprise and the virtual supply chain 142
The role of information in the virtual supply chain 144
Laying the foundations for synchronisation 147
Quick response logistics 150
Production strategies for quick response 153
Logistics systems dynamics 154
8 complexity and the supply chain 159
The sources of supply chain complexity 161
The cost of complexity 165
Product design and supply chain complexity 166
Mastering complexity 167
9 Managing the global pipeline 171
The trend towards globalisation in the supply chain 173
Gaining visibility in the global pipeline 178
Organising for global logistics 180
Thinking global, acting local 184
The future of global sourcing 185
10 Managing risk in the supply chain 189
Why are supply chains more vulnerable? 190
Understanding the supply chain risk profile 193
Managing supply chain risk 198
Achieving supply chain resilience 206
11 the era of network competition 211
The new organisational paradigm 212
Collaboration in the supply chain 214
Managing the supply chain as a network 217
Seven major business transformations 218
The implications for tomorrow s logistics managers 220
contents Supply chain orchestration 222
From 3PL to 4PL™ 223
12 overcoming the barriers to supply chain integration 227
Creating the logistics vision 228
The problems with conventional organisations 228
Developing the logistics organisation 232
Logistics as the vehicle for change 236
Benchmarking 237
13 creating a sustainable supply chain 241
The triple bottom line 241
Greenhouse gases and the supply chain 243
Reducing the transport-intensity of supply chains 245
Peak oil 247
Beyond the carbon footprint 248
Reduce, reuse, recycle 250
The impact of congestion 252
14 the supply chain of the future 257
Emerging mega-trends 258
Shifting centres of gravity 259
The multi-channel revolution 261